Friday, July 17, 2009

Lyricism in Dallas, Redux

Grilling weenies and burger chops
on butternut-coated petrified rocks
to give it that sweet sweet flava that you sava.
Catch the oozy yum from that.

Beautiful boy, point to the stars
and whisper reassurance in my ear.
My smile it reaches wide and high,
Pull back – I’m a prism light refraction in your eye
and that made my smile make me sigh.

Back on my own, my queendom
resurrected, new beginnings
and sultry weather.
I’m curiosity now,
Weaving my web after one or two drinks.

I’m a femme fatale façade.
Got a heart stitched up from pieces.
You wandered to my side and charmed me with your jive,
Put on quite a show.
But at the end of the day,
You was just a gypsy gigolo.

Silly boy, silly girl,
Stack ‘em up now that house of cards of wonder.
Creamy milk sugar daddy,
I can’t take that glucose high,
You curious why?

Test my water,
Swish it ‘round.
Ripples roaring, makes your head pound from the sound of
Dallas dams exploding.
Flood the bulldozed flattened
Land of the Cowboy man and step aside, gentle
sprinkles on your eyes as
Niagra rushes by.

I’ve kicked the clutch and notched it down,
A step, then two, then three.
Endorphins no longer reality
But in actuality
This ain’t the last of what is me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i feel you, keep the words working